Five Things to Never Put in your Subject Line


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Five Things to Never Put in your Subject Line


The importance of an enticing subject line isn’t something to be overlooked in your email marketing campaign. Your email campaign could be fantastic, but if your subject line is non-professional, confusing or deceitful, your contacts won’t open it. As an email marketer, you’ve just lost potential business and revenue.

The way in which you describe your email’s contents can make or break your email campaign. You have mere seconds to make a great impression before your potential reader moves onto the next email. It’s a complete disservice to both you and your customers to create a subject line without any thought behind it. Following are five tips that should never be used in your email marketing campaign:


1. Use excessive spacing and capitalization

Neither of these efforts will get your audience to open your email. Your product should be able to stand alone and you shouldn’t have to resort to capitalization to prove a point or spacing for emphasis.

Here’s an example of a no-no:

“DOWNLOAD this……..NOW!!!!”

2. More than one idea

The subject line should focus on the main theme of your email. Introducing too many topics in the subject line will confuse your audience and may cause hesitation on opening it. Furthermore, having a lot of characters in your subject line isn’t a mobile-friendly tactic.

3. Never mislead

Readers want to know what they’re in for when they click-through to your content. Tricking readers into opening your email campaign is going to cause annoyance and they may not open your emails in the future; worse, they may even unsubscribe from your list. The information in your email should be interesting enough that you don’t need to mislead. Instead, it caters to the reader’s interests and the subject line piques that person’s curiosity.

From an analytical perspective, misleading may also cause a spike in spam complaints, subsequently killing your deliverability.

4. Do not use “cute” spellings or put str@nge |etters 0r characters into your emails.

Not only do strange characters and spellings look like spam but they are an amateur attempt to get more readers that simply doesn’t work. Utilizing either is tacky and brings down your brand’s quality.

5. Incorrect grammar/spelling.

Spammers deliberately use incorrect spelling or grammar to identify less sophisticated recipients, according to Return Path’s Lauren Soares. By doing this, spammers can target those that are more likely to fall victim to a spamming attack.

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