Frequently Asked Questions about Email Marketing

This is a list of brief answers to some of the most common questions we get from clients and speaking to event attendees. If there is something you don't see please contact us and we'll do our best to help.

Is ReachMail really free?

Many customers are happy with our free product. If you have fewer than 5,000 contacts and send out less than 15,000 emails per month then it might be right for you.

You even get free customer service.

Why is ReachMail the best Email Marketing Platform?

Customer service and ease of use.

ReachMail customers constantly sing the praises of the asy to use interface. We're frequently told how much more quickly and easily our customers get their job done on ReachMail than on whatever platform there were on previously.

How can I grow my email subscribers' list?

The best way to grow your list is via sign up form on your website. In combination with an enticing offer for signing up and engaging content signing up should be a reward in itself.

What type of content works best?

The type of content that works best is the type of content that your recipients want to receive. The more you can customize your content to fit your recipient’s interests the better engagement and delivery your email marketing will receive.

What’s the best time and day to send emails?

The best time and day to send emails is rapidly changing in the industry thanks to smartphones and your recipients being able to read your email in almost any environment. While this can change depending on your audience, the most popular times are early in the morning when individuals get to work and around lunch when recipients may be taking a break to check their email.

How do I know if an email campaign is successful?

The best way to tell if an email campaign was successful is the reporting metrics you receive. Reporting information like openers and clickers tends to be the most obvious, but other additional metrics like an increase to your website traffic or if anyone calls or replies to an email campaign.

Your message, delivered.

An easy to use email marketing platform with outstanding support.

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